Steorn is not stating anything about the input power requirements for their
HephaHeat product in that product's web pages.  The personal communication
about "1kW" was made regarding a FaceBook video of a device that might be
construed to be related but is not claimed to be related by the Steorn
HephaHeat pages.  It might also be construed, given the ambiguity, to be a
continuous power input drawn down as heat in short periods of time (say
during a shower).  Indeed, that is the interpretation given the "1kW"
statement by many skeptics.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 7:03 AM, <> wrote:

>  I think Steorn must have got word of Rossi's E-Cat and decided to go one
> better.  Checkout
> A clever gentleman at the bottom of the page has calculated the
> HephaHeat's coefficient of performance:
> ..."the Orbo heater has a minimum output power of 346.12 kW with an input
> power of 1 kW, which yields a COP of *346*"...
> Isn't that amazing.  That has to leave Rossi's E-Cat (with a COP of only
> around 6) for dead!
> But still Rossi's device does get the higher end - right up over a
> megawatt.  And it's market ready.
> So I think the sensible thing would a cross-licensing agreement between
> Steorn and Rossi - let Steorn include the E-Cat in their range of products
> to cover the top end, and let Rossi incorporate HephaHeat technology into
> his "home units".  After all it seems HephaHeat doesn't need the
> complications of a catalyst and hydrogen feed, but simply runs from
> ordinary 50 or 60Hz mains power.  That's got to be an enormous advantage
> for home use.
> While we are considering the cross-licensing business, we shouldn't forget
> about Transaltec (English site at who Rossi has
> just accepted to market his ECat in Switzerland.  The only two products
> that this company now sells are very large - their 1.5 to 225 MW EBM power
> plants and now the Megawatt ECat.  I reckon Steorn's new HephaHeat device,
> and the even smaller powered Orbo motor would fill out the low end of their
> product range perfectly.  They would be able to offer "Energy by Motion",
> "Energy by Fusion", "Energy by Foolishness" and "Energy by Mistake"!  I am
> sure if they hired Sean as their marketing manager that they could make
> plenty of money.  As others have suggested long ago they might change the
> company's name to something more dynamic and star-studded - "Sean's
> Connery" for instance.
> But still I think the highlight for this week was reading about the man
> eating monsters that might have got Obama while he was trying to "be seen
> but not eaten" on mars!  Probably the most amazing thing about this report
> is the incredibly large percentage of serious comments at the bottom of the
> page with almost no one taking the mickey!  Maybe they have a rule against
> that like on vortex-l.
> But I had a serious question about this article - anyone know why some of
> these "predators" on mars are "impossible to evade if encountered"?  Even
> Arni managed to beat the predator that visited Earth so why couldn't Obama
> use some of Arni's tricks to evade these predators?  Here is a link if you
> want to look for an answer or direct

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