On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:49 AM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Steorn is not stating anything about the input power requirements for
> their HephaHeat product in that product's web pages.  The personal
> communication about "1kW" was made regarding a FaceBook video of a device
> that might be construed to be related but is not claimed to be related by
> the Steorn HephaHeat pages.  It might also be construed, given the
> ambiguity, to be a continuous power input drawn down as heat in short
> periods of time (say during a shower).  Indeed, that is the interpretation
> given the "1kW" statement by many skeptics.

Steorn has never sold a product.  They are exceedingly unlikely to sell
this to anyone.  Not more than once anyway.

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