On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

> At the same time Rossi says on his forum he has sold 13  1MW plants to an
> secret military organisation in a secret country.
> If he continues to sell so sucessfully, then he cannot fulfill a delivery
> time of 3 months. ;-)

Rossi seems to be buying time before he has to disclose the identity of a

> Adolf Schneider wrote in July in his german "NET" magazine, they have
> already 100 pieces of 1MW plants build in USA.
> This was before the Bologna 1MW prototype was ready.

Amazing.  Thank you for reading and interpreting the German text.  Of
course, that has to be simply a lie.  There could not be a plant in the US
that made 100 large nuclear fusion devices and escaped public scrutiny and
proper investigation by the Homeland Security Agency and many others.

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