On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And the nice thing about passive energy storage, is that it allows Rossi
> plausible deniability of intent to commit fraud. He can admit to some
> storage, but his claim was based on dry steam, which he can insist he
> believed was the case. So everything is tied up neatly.

Maybe it does for some of the public demos but it hardly takes him off the
hook for the claim of a 35 kW heater that ran for a year nor does it take
him off the hook for claiming that 12 explosions took place nor for Levi's
18 hour test.  And it won't take him off the hook if his customer doesn't
exist and if the pending order for 13 reactors and all the backlog of
orders Rossi claim never take place.

Me, I'm still eagerly waiting for the contract with U of Bologna to be
funded and for an E-cat to be given to them and to U of Uppsala.  I'm sure
Rossi is busy but it's hard to imagine why he can't have someone on his
staff attend to these critical matters...  soon.

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