Mary Yugo writes:
Thanks.  ...  And did anyone ask
what he thinks about Rossi insists on using the heat of evaporation of
water to test the e-cat when simply repeating Levi's test with better
controls and documentation would be much more probative?

Hi Mary, I've also wondered about this but I recall Levi saying in a video somewhere that Rossi was actually alarmed during this test that the core was running too hot.

My guess is that running it with liquid water ends up leaving the core too cold to produce much excess heat. Somehow 100c or thereabouts appears to be the reactor's sweet spot (by accident or design).

I'm on board with you that a few well conducted tests by independent observers would radically change this whole story.

I wonder if Rossi will change his tune on testing if Defkalion starts conducting public tests.


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