for those that repeat that CF is impossible , I can answer simply :
- it breaks no basic rule of todays most validated models : Quantum Physic
Reference Frame, and generel Relativity (unlike Opera neutrinos, perpetual
movement, usable antigravity). it only breaks usual approach to compute.
- it is no more, no less explained by todays physics than is High
temperature superconductivity , and that was classic superconductivity and
super-fluidity before BCS.

anyway, that is not a proof, just on reason to say those that critics CF on
it's impossibility, are... not scientifics. however in science unscientific
behaviors are common... don't feel stupid, it's human.

on the explanation, it seems that no theory is convincing, maybe because
the best physicians, and the mass of world physicians, did not work on it.
lack of cumulative effort, intelligence, and luck.
anyway, how many years between superconductivity is observed, quantum
physics is established, and BCS paper?
howmany years between BCS paper and acceptation by the consensus?

however it seems to works, and at least serious people should look at it.
maybe is it what happens, but serious peoples who test it become unserious
according to the consensus.

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