What I am curious about is whether the reduced radioactivity that
Reifenschweiler observed for tritium and heavier nuclei meant that the
radioactive decays were actually suppressed, or that the energetic decay
products were thermalized in the small monocrystalline particles via some
hypothetical collective quantum enhancement of absorption.

I speculate that the energetic decay products were thermalized.

In an experimental series performed by Piantelli, he observed the
production of either heat or gamma radiation but not both at the same time,
if memory serves.

>From the demo of the first one liter Rossi reactor during the time at
startup when the lattice was cold, a massive radiation burst appeared for a
second or two. From this, I deduce that the energy production mechanism
will generate large amounts of radiation if the lattice is cold and the
phonons present in the lattice are not energetic enough.

One problem of that early design was the generation of bursts of radiation
during startup and shutdown. I assume that the lattice was cold at those

Rossi was greatly concerned by these radiation bursts, and changed his
design so that an external heater warmed the nickel lattice before the
reaction begins.

 This tells me that there is a second quantum mechanical reaction that
converts the radiation generated in the metal atom’s nucleus to thermal
energy within the lattice.

The lack of radioactive decay products after the Rossi reactor is shut down
also speaks to a radiation thermalization mechanism rather than a radiation
suppression mechanism.

>From Otto Reifenschweiler:

This assumption is confirmed by the observation, that a decrease of tritium
radioactivity is never observed with Ti-preparations which are generally
used for storage of tritium. Such preparations don.t have the above stated
properties. They consist of single and big non monocrystalline
Ti-particles, in my experience.

The radiation thermalization mechanism is a surface phenomenon that is
maximized by the large surface area of nano-powder.

The a variant of the quantum Zeno effect in which an unstable particle, if
observed continuously or in the case of quantum activity in a metal lattice
cycles rapidly through repeating cycles of entanglement in a continuing
process of quantum decoherence, that particle will thermalize its nuclear
power output as thermal energy in the metal lattice.
The originating mechanism of the nuclear energy is not caused by vibrations
(phonons) in the lattice. However, the thermalization of that nuclear
energy is caused by the rapid cycling decoherence of the entangled metal
atoms caused by quantum phonons vibrating in that lattice.

Phonons in the metal lattice will cause the energy of the unstable particle
to be transferred away from its originating nucleus and enter the metal
lattice non-locally some large distance away.

This may be why Rossi went with a micron sized particle rather than a
nano-sized particle.

The question now is what particle produces the LENR energy. Speculating,
that unstable particle is probably the transition metal atom; in Rossi’s
case, it is the nickel atom.

This nuclear reaction is very weird in the Rossi reactor where it does not
rip that lattice apart but contrary to all good sense, thermalizes the
lattice into a gentle low grade heat.

I can only speculate that the entanglement mechanism provides an
otherworldly energy pipeline that gently moves energy/heat away from the
nuclear production zone.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:09 PM, <pagnu...@htdconnect.com> wrote:

> Francis, Axil,
> What I am curious about is whether the reduced radioactivity that
> Reifenschweiler observed for tritium and heavier nuclei meant that the
> radioactive decays were actually suppressed, or that the energetic decay
> products were thermalized in the small monocrystalline particles via some
> hypothetical collective quantum enhancement of absorption.
> Reifenschweiler is also puzzled by the temperature dependence of this
> effect.  Crystal size and proximity of the crystals appear critical also.
> No wonder these phenomena are so elusive.  Maybe, also some "new physics"
> appears in the mesoscale at the boundary separating classical from quantum
> dynamics?
> One theory for similar phenomena has been proposed in:
> "Quantum Zeno Effect, Nuclear Conversion and Photoionization in Solids"
> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003491696900639
> BTW, some of Reifenschweiler's refences are:
> Reduced radioactivity of tritium in small titanium particles
> http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/Reifenschwreducedrad.pdf
> Cold Fusion and Decrease of Tritium Radioactivity
> http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/Reifenschwcoldfusion.pdf
> About the possibility of decreased radioactivity of heavy nuclei
> http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=512913
> >
> > I don't think this has been posted to Vortex before.
> > I believe it describes Brian Ahern's approach to LENR.
> > Does this imply he believe Rossi's results?
> >
> > Any comments?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Lou Pagnucco
> >
> >[...]

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