It is an earth wire. You can see it coiled up and not attached in some of the shots and videos. I suspect the brown and black wires are actually multi core shielded cables. Once could contain the RFG signals and the other sensor data. Rossi has claimed he has a way to deactivate individual reactor cores inside the 3 reactor core assembly. I suspect there is a whole LOT about those brown and black wires / cables that most people will never discover. Unless they are a dead end alleyway, the light tan boxes could hold a LOT of computer power or they could be empty but I suspect they are operational as Rossi said each E-Cat module had it's own control system and the control of the steam temperature suggests he is right..


On 11/25/2011 3:43 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Terry Blanton<>  wrote:

And what is that lime wire near the
heater feeds?
Maybe that is a sensor wire.  One thing he has lacked in the earlier
demonstration is some sort of feedback for the controller.  He
controlled them all manually.


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