Sorry, the article does not yet say that the money has been paid. The
contract is still the same we know about.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 1:46 AM, Ahsoka Tano <> wrote:

> **
> According to this Italian article, the deed is done.  Isn't this proof
> that there was a buyer of the mega-eCat and that Rossi has the money to
> sign the contract with UniBol?
> The entrepreneur Andrea Rossi, owner of the company through the EFA Ltd.,
> Department of Physics and signed the contract
> *"Our interest is very strong - declares Capiluppi Paul, director of the
> department* - there is much curiosity, but for us it is true only what we
> can measure. " To activate the contract we want to pay (be paid?) the
> first installment of the contribution, 500 000 euros in two years, that
> Jones* has committed to provide for all costs. "We should be starting
> soon, in a few weeks - Campari tells Henry, professor of experimental
> physics and the scientific research with Giuseppe Levi - in summer you
> could have the first scientific report of the results obtained disclose to
> scientific journals."
> *Jones: Not sure how Google Translate caused Rossi to be translated to
> Jones; Smith, Jones, whatever.
> Original text:
> *«Il nostro interesse è fortissimo — dichiara Paolo Capiluppi, direttore
> del dipartimento *—, c’è molta curiosità, ma per noi è vero solo ciò che
> possiamo misurare». Per rendere attivo il contratto ci vuole il versamento
> della prima rata del contributo, 500 mila euro in due anni, che Rossi si è
> impegnato a dare per sostenere tutti i costi. «Dovremmo partire a breve,
> tra qualche settimana — confida Enrico Campari, docente di fisica
> sperimentale e responsabile scientifico della ricerca con Giuseppe Levi —,
> in estate si potrebbero avere i primi report scientifici dei risultati
> ottenuti che divulgheremo alle riviste scientifiche».

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