From an Australian point of view and seeing we have the world's largest Nickel deposits, I suspect that as demand increases there are a few Nickel mines and refineries that will spring back into life. I expect the E-Cats that are rolling off the assembly line in 2 years will use less Ni per GWh produced. Probably not a big increase in the price of Ni but blood all over the fossil fuel futures market trading floor. Maybe a good time to go long on Nickel and short on fossil fuels.


On 11/28/2011 2:59 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
World demand for nickel peaked in 2006 at 1.4 million tonnes; it is now down to 
about 1M tonnes.  300K tons is not going to be that hard to supply... and the 
transition from petroleum-based energy to CF/LENR (if it happens, and is not 
delayed for decades by legal battles) will ramp up over several years, so there 
shouldn't be any problem with supplying the basic fuel (Ni and H).

Of course, the price of Ni is going to see a pretty drastic increase, so 
Rossi's estimates of costs are probably not realistic except for the very short 


-----Original Message-----
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat []
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 5:35 PM

300 kTon of Ni fuel to replace all usage of fossil fuels for energy.


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