On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> If it’s all a hoax, gotta ask yourself, why would Rossi go to all the
> trouble of completely changing the reactor? If the thing is NOT producing
> any excess power, and if the Ni powder is NOT melting, WHY go to all this
> trouble to change reactor design?
It's a changeup to keep the batters guessing. There was already too much
converging analysis of the old design. Too many demands to avoid steam. The
new design is not only flatter, it is also much heavier, and capable of
storing more heat, so he could try some "self-sustained" runs. Confuse
everybody all over again.

But this can be turned around. If the thing *was* producing energy, as some
are convinced, and if the 18-hour test was valid, and if he has operated a
reactor for years in a factory, why completely redesign it?

I think it fits a hoax better.

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