On Nov 29, 2011, at 8:48 PM, Dr Josef Karthauser wrote:

On 29 Nov 2011, at 22:49, Horace Heffner wrote:

In 2007 I converted Jemimenko's theory into a full isomorphism between the laws of electromagnetism and the laws of gravimagnetism. Creating this isomorphism involves the use of the imaginary number i in gravimagnetic terms, and thus the potential addition of 3 dimensions to any theory of everything. For a quick synopsis see:


Hey Horace,

What role does the 'i' play in the geometry, or is this an entirely algebraic approach?


It is a practical approach. It makes many things work automatically. This was explained in detail on pages 7 and 8 of:


Jefimenko developed a causal theory of gravity, based on retardation, but he had to manually determine the sign in each formula. This was due to he fact he made epsilon and mu negative in his gravitomagnetic theory. This he deemed necessary in order for the force directions to come out right in the Coulomb force analog equations, i.e. it denotes an attracting force for like charges, as opposed to the Coulomb force which is attracting for unlike charges. This required him to either place a special sign in various equations, or to reverse the order of cross products, as in the Poynting vector equation, S = (1/mu_g) K x g. Note that he reversed the K and g, analogs to E and B in electromagnetic theory. This has the effect of applying a negative sign to the formula. The use of the factor i in gravimagnetic terms eliminates the manual sign placing and permits a full isomorphism between the two sets of laws, an isomorphism the existence of which has been commonly sensed by physicists for over a century, but not to my knowledge ever fully developed or specified. The similarity of the two sets of laws is self evident, but there are differences with respect to signs and constants. I took a very simple step, but one which has far reaching implications which are testable.

The link between QM and quantum gravity I see as primarily in the fact that h_g = -h, a relationship I derived in 2007 using the isomorphism on pages 14 and 15 of:


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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