By a poster called Per:
"If they improve on a process that is stolen it does not change the fact, that 
it's stolen. Read the inteview. Defkalion please prove otherwise!" 

Defkalion needs to moderate posts. It will be more work, but the forum is going 
to quickly run out of control (again). They are not doing themselves any favors 
in allowing such a willy-nilly (I believe that's the technical term) approach. 
I'd like to see the forum be useful and information-intensive. 
Instead, it will quickly devolve into attacks and innuendo. Those seeking real 
data will have to sift through hundreds of pages of cr*p to find anything 
It's a corporate forum. They are under no obligation to host insults and 
accusations. There are other blogs and forums (and list serves) all over the 
net for criticism. 


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