You have understood our situation very well. We are working toward a preliminary demo for our chairman, state gov energy dept rep, client rep and myself (all engineers). After that we will sign a contract and fund the escrow account. Our acceptance test requires the E-Cat to run in closed loop mode for at least 48 continuous hours, while delivering at least 200 kWs of external electricity (powering a bank of lights). We will ship a container or 2 with the necessary thermal to electricity subsystem and other equipment to the test site and link it to the 1 MW hot oil E-Cat plant. This test will leave no doubt in anyone's mind.


On 12/1/2011 10:28 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat
<>  wrote:
We use a private email address. I guess Rossi sees value in our business
model and what we are offering him. He also knows who I am and the company I

So, why would they not wish the world to know who they are?  After
all, actions like yours will save the world if all this is real.

Or, are they afraid it is not real and don't want to be associated with a hoax?

Or, are they afraid their competitors will realize that they are doing
this and jump on the bandwagon?



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