No, this is a good one but I think that if you are addressing an
international audience to use dottore as doctor is misleading. The old
itian laurea, allowed you to call yourself a dottore, but laurea is not the
equivalent of a doctorate.
So it is very misleading.
>From wiki:
The term *dottore* is frequently used in Italy to refer to any person with
a university *Laurea*: thus, a person with a *laurea magistrale* uses the
title "dottore magistrale" and a person with a *laurea triennale* uses the
title of "dottore". Those unfamiliar with the Italian university system or
the Italian use of titles should note that a "*dottore*" or "*dottoressa*"
in an Italian context does not necessarily hold a Ph.D. Holders of the*
dottorato* acquire the title of *dottore di ricerca* ("doctor of research")
also abbreviated to "Dott. Ric." or "Ph.D.".

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Akira Shirakawa

> On 2011-12-02 02:38, Giovanni Santostasi wrote:
>> Rossi needs to stop to call himself a Doctor.
>> This is one of the things that shows me how fake he is, exactly as his
>> degree.
> So, is this degree fake?
> BINARY/Rossi_degree_**University_Milan.pdf<>
> Cheers,
> S.A.

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