Mattia Rizzi <> wrote:


> But yeah, now comes Jed Rothwell saying that this is not lying and that
> every businessman like Edison and Jobs done that. Yeah.

I have said repeatedly that I know nothing about Rossi's business affairs,
and I have no idea whether he is lying or not. I said that as far as I know
know, he has never lied about the engineering aspects of his machines.
Perhaps he has, but I have not caught him.

Please do not distort what I say. I know nothing about his business
dealings. Frankly, I do not care about them, and I do not want to know. I
think people should mind their own business and stop asking nosy questions
about Rossi. I have advised him to do things differently and be more open,
but I have never asked him about contracts or business or anything of that

Regarding truth and lies --

Defkalion says they have the technology, and Rossi says they do not.
Clearly, one is lying, or the other is, or they both are. They cannot both
be telling the truth. I will not speculate about who is telling the truth
in this matter.

- Jed

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