Rossi has said the 1st customer is a US military research contractor and
that the first plant is installed in the US. Why would Rossi need to pay
a local Italian university to do research when that is probably already
happening in the US and at no cost to Rossi. You did read, in the 3 LENR
workshop slide presentations, the benefits that LENR would deliver? You
think the US would want to share that technology leap with other countries?
On 12/7/2011 5:36 PM, Susan Gipp wrote:
A.R. like a wet piece of soap, is a master in answering with void answers.
The user asked why he doesn't start the University R&D program and he
answer that it's already started by the *Customer*. So there's no need
anymore to waste half a million euros to start wit the U: the
*Customer *is happy !