If you remember this from the Kim paper:


...local magnetic field is very weak in the surface regions, providing a
suitable environment in which two neighboring protons can couple their
spins anti-parallel to form spin-zero singlet state (S=0). Relatively low
Curie temperature (nickel has the Curie temperature of 631 oK (~358 oC)) is
expected to help to maintain the weak magnetic field in the surface
regions. If Ross's device is operated at temperatures greater than the
Curie temperature ~ 358 oC and with hydrogen pressures of up to ~ 22 bars,
the conditions (1) and (2) may have been achieved in Rossi"s device.

..,thus creating a favorable environment for the case of two species of
Bosons (Ni nuclei and composite Bosons of paired two protons). If the
velocities of mobile Ni atoms/nuclei under the condition...

In order for cooper paired protons to form, the nickel lattice must be
above the Curie temperature of nickel.

When this critical temperature is reached, radiation will be mitigated.
Before that temperature is reached gamma radiation will be produced because
there is no paired protons possible, the formation of cooper pairs of
protons being stopped by the strong magnetic properties of nickel.

In this low temperature lattice case, coulomb shielding from the ultra
strong dipole moments of Rydberg matter produced by the internal heater
will still occur and cold fusion will still result in a cold lattice. But
in this case, large amounts of unthermalized gamma radiation will be
released because there will be no coherent protons to thermalize that

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I speculate...
> When a compound or transition metal has a high degree of quantum
> mechanical(QM) proton coherence; large numbers of cooper pairs of protons,
> radiation reduction will be observed when this coherence is momentarily
> broken by a trigger event.
> In a variant of the quantum Zeno effect in which an unstable particle, if
> observed continuously in a continuing process of quantum decoherence, that
> particle will thermalize its nuclear power output as thermal energy.
> After this QM breakdown of coherence, the coherence of the assemblage will
> be immediately reestablished in the compound or metal by the crystal
> structure of that material.
> This comes from the fact that entangled particles will absorb energy as a
> group and release this potential energy over the entire assemblage when the
> coherence of the assemblage is broken by some trigger.
> In this way, the high energy of radioactive decay will be spread out over
> many coherent particles of the assemblage and thermalized across the entire
> assemblage when a trigger effect distorts the coherence therein.
> It is not the trigger that imposes the order that mitigate the nuclear
> radiation but the crystal structure of the compound that imposes quantum
> mechanical coherence on its member protons.
> Best regards,
> Axil
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>> We have to agree with the comments that the prior testing clearly
>> indicates
>> that there is no significant radioactivity detected during operation of
>> E-Cat.
>> One unanswered question relates to startup. Not just startup, but a
>> possible
>> method "after startup" of attenuation of the decay rate to levels that can
>> lower the reading by a large factor on the type of positron detector used
>> in
>> the testing.
>> This has not been addressed adequately before: the way in which a
>> significant reading can be made to look similar to background. But it can
>> be
>> done, has been done, and can be validated by anyone interested.
>> IOW, there is a known way that natural decay radioactivity is either
>> "masked" or altered - and it relates to high voltage. Ref: The two patents
>> of Wm. Barker. The implication is that the radioactivity of potassium
>> carbonate, enriched in the 40K isotope in particular, can be masked to an
>> extreme level by the application of high voltage. If you have a Tesla coil
>> and a gamma scout, and a supply of potassium carbonate, then you can
>> perform
>> this experiment yourself.
>> U.S. Pat. No. 4,961,880 "Electrostatic Voltage Excitation Process and
>> Apparatus" issued to William Barker in 1990 and a second patent also
>> expired
>> disclose an apparatus for utilizing HV electrostatic charge to accelerate
>> or
>> decelerate the "apparent decay rate" of a few mineral radioisotopes. This
>> patent has been replicated independently but not published in a peer
>> reviewed journal, AFAIK.
>> Electrostatic fields are generally not sufficient to influence decay rates
>> in pure elements, and there is no dispute over that. But RF at HV from a
>> Tesla-type device has been shown to be surprisingly effective to change
>> the
>> apparent decay rate (increase or decrease) in *some minerals* by a factor
>> of
>> up to 10^6. It is not clear why some minerals respond and others do not,
>> or
>> if the change is "real" or being masked somehow, but the presence of
>> oxygen
>> and carbon are indicated.
>> The Barker technique does not work for every mineral, but for unknown
>> reasons the net effect (change in counts) is almost unbelievably
>> accelerated
>> in a few like pitchblende, in particular - and decelerated in others.
>> A particular potassium compound could be in that category.
>> One might be more inclined to consider this possibility if there was an
>> indication that Rossi's so-called "RF generator" was in fact a transformer
>> of the kind used for Tesla coils.
>> Jones

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