I've just seen that clip about -cat & al...
very positive vision, but it shows a way todays situation could be
and it raise a pointy to me, whate ever is the situation (I'll say later
the 3 hypothesis), why are the media, the finance, the police, the secret
service, the oild industry, the nuke industry, the saudi, not doing
anything, either to react to a real e-cat, to a possible real e-cat, or to
show others that might be believing in e-cat that their fear/hope is fake...
the current reaction of the media/gov/biz is...

here i might look as a believer, but I'm skeptic, as usual, but skeptic
about each hypothesis, and less skeptic about the less incoherent.

the 3 hypothesis I see are :

1- LENR/Cold Fusion is a fake+mistake since the beginning. all researche
made is base on fraud and faithful errors. Rossi and Defkalion, Focardi,
Aern are fraudster, working in gang or parasiting each other fraud...
  -> let me say that given the nulmber of fraudster this look not far from
conspiracy theory like 911's... moreover for the scientist in cause, they
are not in a cashable domain compared to usual fraud domain like drugs,
military toys or climate apocalypse.
  -> if not 1 we have to admit that LENR/CF works, at least in labs

2- LENR on Ni+H works in labs, but Rossi & Focardi are fraudster that have
invented the results, created Defkalion and the virtual clients,
manipulated journalists, scientists... maybe defkalion is not an invention
of rossi, but a victim that discover the scam, and start to make it's own
fraud to steal investors/licensor.
  -> here also Rossi is not alone, and should have manipulated/bought many
actors to do the job. anyway hist demo are not very proofing  for external
viewers (by my job I know that proving to yourself, to a partner, or a
thrid poarty are 3 differehnt level of proof method. it is normal that
prooving to a client does not prove to third party). Defkalion, and it's
large board of directors add more actors in the scam. Ocean 11 plots looks
toys storry compared to rossi's plot.

3- Rossi have a working e-cat, and defkalion have make/stollen one...(I
think in fact it is easy, since rossi is not the best engineer on earth,
except about stone-head personality) . rossi make bad demo because he is
not the best engineer, have still engineering problems, want to hide data
by (justified or not) paranoia, don't care about public acceptance but only
about client. defkalion have made a working prototype because LENR is not
so complicated once you know the principle, because they are good engineer
with open mind and no belief, and maybe they guess/see the easy secret of
rossi, maybe guessing how to make a variation...
-> here you understand the strange behavior of each, but you cannot be

the problem is not about the 3 hypothesis, but about the fact that whate
ever is the truth, the media, the governments, the smart people, the corp
should do one of the following:
- first they shoul try to detect if it is a scam like case 1 or 2.
governements, big business, finance rats, will pay thousands of detectives
to avoid uncertainty, or own insider information, much more than DSK have
- if it is a scam, some finance men will try to propagate the idea that it
is true, to get cash by betting on the opposite... they will use the big
media and make a big scam, playing the opposite they say, like Goldman
Sachs have made with sub-primes.
- some other stakeholders, who own sensible assets (like the saudi, areva,
France, exxon, Solar/wind industry, ...) will quickly denounce the scam to
avoid a crash of their own assets.

- if it is true, some finance men will invest like crazy in looking good (I
think that there are no winner except consuming industry,and plumbers), but
also they will sell quickly the losers like solar/wind energy, nuclear
energy, oil, renewable energy, bio-fuel&al...

- it it is true the losers, won't try to kill rossi(to late, won't change
anything), but at least they will make counter lobbying, trying to raise
dangers awareness... maybe to try to delay the crash, ou privatize the
benefits in they hands...

And I see nothing of any rational behavior...

is the media, the finance, the gov, the industry, so stupid...

hard to believe...

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