first of all if I prepare an NiH-Bomb to destroy texas and saudi arabia,
I have no incentive to prove i'm right...
the opposite, I will try to maintain doubt not to frighten the chicken
before the lunch.

I just wait the bomb to work, and the client to pay when Texas is vitrified.

Second if I'm the governor of Texas, to avoid panic I might look for the
reality of the menace,
at least to block panic... or to save my selfish butt.

about the incredible claim, it is not so incredible... not much more than
high temperature superconduction (by the way the press just have talk aboit
a very high temp claim of supraconduction). by the way, the key mecanisme
of LENR is probably of the same family as superconductivity.

seriously the principle of the null hypothesis is not good for decision
making (many manipulation, todays in science is to manipulate the null
hypothesis to force a decision).
when there are possibilities, you just have to compare them, checking their

if like you propose one simply don't investigate if it looks weird, all
that happens today is logic.

same for press, but to be honest LENR is more probable that Opera fast
neutrino, or toxicity of GSM antennas, or homeopathy, however they dare to
talk of those unicorn...
so LENR is a satanic unicorn.

anyway, neither media nor finance, nor government have anticipated
sub-prime crisis, except a few crazy economist like roubini.
won't be the first time the miss an elephant in the living room, because
nobody accept to see it in front of the other.

2011/12/10 Giovanni Santostasi <>

> What is not understood by many people is that when you make incredible
> claims it is up to the person making claims to show the claims are true and
> it is not up to everybody else to prove the claims are not true.
> Do you think if I announce a press conference about the unicorn in my
> basement I would get much international media attention?

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