Rossi did not even answer the question. lol


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Mary Yugo <> wrote:
> Francesco Fiorenzani
> December 10th, 2011 at 10:03 AM
> Dear Andrea Rossi
> In your opinion the collaboration with University of Bologna
> will start before the next March or not?
> thank you
> Francesco Fiorenzani
> Andrea Rossi
> December 10th, 2011 at 10:17 AM
> Dear Francesco Fiorenzani:
> As I already repeated many times, all the R&D work we are doing with our
> Consultants is totally confidential and we are not going to give any
> information about it. If reports will be made, it will not be before 1 year
> from now, and such information will regard only the data we will deem
> publicable, since all the R&D is paid by us, not by the taxpayer, so that it
> will be totally proprietary.
> We will not even disclose the names of the persons which will make the job.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> Why would a simple test by the university of whether or not the E-cat works
> as advertised need to be secret?   Why not disclose the "names  of persons
> which will make the job"?  Maybe because the "job" like the "customer" may
> not exist?   And any university will stand for this?
> Aussie Guy expects to get a bunch of containerized E-cats he could
> potentially take apart and reverse engineer and the U of Bologna with whom
> Rossi has a contract won't be allowed to reveal even who is working on the
> project?   That's credible?

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