On 12th Day before Christmas,  the ATLAS money-pit collaboration found that
a Higgs mass from 145 to 206 GeV has been excluded by their testing, and
today the geniuses have ‘probably’ limited the particle to a range of
115–130 GeV. 

What a bunch of unmitigated pomposity. Give them a continuing 5 billion per
annum - and in few decades, wow - they could probably get it right. Isn’t it
about time for a big dose of “Occupy CERN”. 

I have not followed this boondoggle too closely, as the wastefulness of the
entire program makes me quite ill (juxtaposed against more promising
endeavors that go unfunded). The cost of whatever knowledge is derived from
this deep pit will greatly exceeds its value… and to make things worse… for
the spiritually inclined, the hypocrites (many openly atheistic) who pocket
these gigabucks, have the gall to associate their search closely with
divinity in order to keep the millions of taxpayer largess pouring into the
bottomless pit.  “God-particle” my ass. More like the perfect swindle. 

Bah humbug. Why does this bring out the Ebenezer in those of us who try to
show some sympathy for the downtrodden, this time of year? CERN is to
science what Goldman-Sucks is to banking.

Nevertheless…. There could be a bit of potential coincidence in the numbers
being bandied about, vis-à-vis the mass of the proton. Just out of curiosity
– is there any suggestion that (or how) the fine structure constant could be
involved in Higgs? … and what is a gaggle of protons anyway – 137? Is that
coincidental with the GeV mass/energy range they are talking about. If Higgs
turns out to be exactly 137 times 938+ MeV (or whatever it is, as even this
mass is not certain) then have we really found anything that could not be
predicted as accurately by an old man sitting in front of a computer?

Maybe by the 12th day of Christmas in 2121, 137 protons will magically fall
from the money tree …. and the ATLAS collaborators will say announce to an
adoring New World Order … thanks to our continuing efforts, you-know-who has
finally returned. 

Pass the collection plate, please.

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