LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, is this possible?

If we see physics as a statistical phenomenom, then energy is another word for probability. So, Low Energy reactions are low probability reactions - reactions that dont happen frequently ;-)
It is therefore improbable to get energy out of them ;-)
From a logical and scientific point of view "LENR" is a contradiction in itself. The acronym was invented purposefully to avoid the stigma of cold fusion, but it was not made by scientifically and logically thinking people.

"Cold" means low temperature, but it doesnt mean low energy. There can still be high energy in
 form of tension, pressure or voltage.

Therefore "LENR" is not a good idea. It is very misleading. It is very unscientific. "Cold Fusion" is a better idea, even if it might be not a correct description.

Arent there better words?

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