>From Robert:

> There is a huge industry of focus-group research that would vehemently
> disagree.  Changing terminologies can entirely restructure a debate, and
> affect changes in perception:
> "Global warming" to "climate change"?
> "Pro-choice" to "women's health"?
> "Gay marriage" to "marriage equality"?

In all three examples you cite I personally find it interesting that
the "politically correct" replacement phrase being championed strikes
me as being far less descriptive than the original phrase. There is
considerable evidence that indicates that in many cases the objective
of these focus groups was to water down, or obfuscate, the issues
being championed out of the original phrase.

But getting back to "cold fusion", the question is whether someone (or
some group) is attempting to water down the phrase "cold fusion", such
as by calling it a "nuclear effect". In my view it is debatable
whether such efforts will net them an advantage on the political
front. I think not.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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