Couple of clarifications from an Italian speaker over on Talk Polywell:
- Regarding the Gammas Celani stated that they are the final product
of the reaction that can be removed (note: this was really not clear.)

- Regarding the Catalyst, Celani thinks that it must be a metal like
Platinum or Palladium.

On 17 December 2011 12:45, Robert Lynn <> wrote:
> I've been informed of another typo/mistranslation. Celani has been working
> with (
> friend of Eugene
> Mallove one of
> the first mainstream science's physicist that believed in cold
> fusion and worked with Martin Fleischmann in Milan in the late
> 90's:
>> According to Celani the reaction between Ni and H would be catalyzed by
>> " PHONONS ". The phonons are not particles but the points where it contacts
>> the thermal-electromagnetic waves in phase, produced by thermal agitation in
>> the lattice of nickel. Are points of "summation" of multiple heat waves
>> produced by a variety of nickel atoms that vibrate at the same frequency
>> ... these frequencies would provide hydrogen (as HYDRIDES?) the ability to
>> overcome the Coulomb barrier and make the merger of its proton to the core
>> of nickel (as I understand it). [Editor's note. I'm asking Celani
>> verification of this and other points of his speech]
>> The power density is very high, and some of his reactions Celani has
>> exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel, which is higher than that of uranium
>> fission in the "cladding" Zirconium.Although Celani you hear talk about
>> "technological reality", as it has exceeded 200% yield (ie COP=2) for two
>> weeks.
>> Celani has worked very hard with the great Japanese scientist Arata. The
>> Japanese government has funded plenty of not only the research but also
>> those of three foreign groups who have had full access to the laboratory by
>> Arata.
>> Celani was able to perform various types of experiment and measurement,
>> even the "craziest".
>> Among these groups was that of MIT and INFN (Italian national institute of
>> Nuclear Physics; Celani et al).
>> Worked with the Arata DEUTERIUM ... but as the import and production of
>> Deuterium prohibited by the peace agreements had to self-refine it with
>> the sulfur-iodine cycle .
>> Arata was also excess power of 60 watts, which is easily measurable. The
>> improvement over Fleishman and Pons was when he abandoned the traditional
>> Arata electrode foil. Not only that, the best layers were not perfectly
>> flat, shiny but rather rough, porous, etc..
>> In short, had to increase the surface area of contact between palladium
>> and deuterium.
>> "When he returned to Italy, Celani modified experiments (*along with
>> Professor Giuliano Preparata*)
>> and began to use wires of nickel and hydrogen at high pressure
>> (eliminating water, oxygen and ' Oxonian )
>> He realized that the power increased by using highly porous nickel. He
>> returned to Japan. There Arata began to experiment with nickel of every size
>> possible. He found that the nickel nanopowder in aggregates of less than 20
>> Ångström you had the best reactions.
>> Indeed, the reaction took place (although not as powerful) even at room
>> temperature.
>> As for gammas they are an end product of the reaction, not desired by
>> Celani, that you can do without.
>> By applying radio frequency (microwave) to dust (I did not know whether
>> that of Rossi or his), he had a massive production of gamma rays,
>> which Celani does not want and does not consider useful.
>> As the catalyst for him are metals such as platinum or palladium (must
>> resist the micro-points where the heat reaches thousands of degrees,
>> ionizing hydrogen)
>> Celani comes to scientific reality PROCESS.
>> Celani says that the Greeks of today have passed Defaklion Rossi, from the
>> technological point of view. [Editor's note. others believe that Defkalion
>> has put together a nice frame and a beautiful body ... but do not have the
>> "engine"].
>> He says that this attitude of secrecy is "stupid" [ed. Celani is
>> understandably affected by a) not being invited to the demonstration of 28
>> October and 2) the negative response to the proposal of Rossi independent
>> testing under the aegis of INFN], and in the end, continue along this road
>> will not have the triumph of science and industrial deserves it. According
>> to Celani, Rossi arrives to yield around 600%.

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