Hello again, Aussie,


I just noticed in a previous post that you state that you will shortly have
a "portable table top LENR demonstrator in operation". However, you also
state in the same post that it will be more-or-less based on a setup high
school kids did back in 2002/2003. This gives me the impression that the
"table top" device you will shortly have in your possession is probably NOT
one of Rossi's eCats. It gives me the impression that while you may soon be
able to demonstrate an authentic LENR reaction to prospective customers and
clients, the FPE effect may not be as robust as Rossi's eCats allegedly are.
Or am I mistaken on that point?


As you can see, I'm a little unclear here. I'm not sure what kind of a
portable table top" device you are referring to. Will it be based on one of
Rossi's eCats, or something else entirely?



Steven Vincent Johnson



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