Oh, so you will let MY personally do any test she desires with your cells?

2011/12/25 Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>

> The 2 cells were obtained from an Asian source. They are on loan for 3
> months. The source will work remotely with our local uni to get them
> operational. They output greater than 1 watt with a COP greater than 5. We
> are funding the work at the local uni. The uni can publish the results from
> the cells we make locally. The source has received an up front payment.
> They will receive further funding as the cells are proven to work by the
> local uni and further funding when our replicant cells become operational.
> We plan to make our replicant cells available to other FPE researchers.
> These cells are not capable of delivering a E-Cat or Hyperion level of
> performance. They are designed to prove F&P were correct, the FPE is real,
> to silence the FPE deniers and drive scientific investigation of the FPE.
> Our desire is simple. To accelerate the acceptance of the FPE, to get the
> effect properly understood and to see FPE devices powering our planet. OK,
> along the way to make a few dollars as well.
> AG
> On 12/26/2011 4:15 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
>> Greetings Aussie, and a Merry Down-Under X-Mass to you.
>> I’ve taken advantage of a brief respite between family obligations by
>> sneaking over to my home office for some covert posting.
>> Despite MY's self-defensive tactic of hoping to remain passively ignorant
>> of the issues by demanding you spoon-feed her everything in a neat tidy
>> little package, I believe "she" is correct on the matter that some of your
>> remarks continue to remain shrouded in obscurity. However, from my
>> perspective, parsing through obscurity is par-for-the-course when
>> attempting to communicate with companies involved in the process of
>> developing new & unproven technologies, particularly technologies that
>> hopefully will lead to competitive products.
>> Therefore I shall continue my "parsing" endeavors in hopes of cutting
>> down on misinterpretation & innuendo:
>> > The cells we have obtained are electrochemical FPE cells.
>> > They are not commercial cells nor were they obtained from
>> > any of the sources in Jed's archives, nor current FPE
>> > device suppliers such as Leonardo, Defkalion, etc.
>> > We have made it openly known that we are in the market
>> > for FPE devices. We have been contacted by various
>> > sources.
>> Can you clarify whom your supplier(s) are at this time? The content of
>> your message implies (to me) that anonymity is currently preferred.
>> Nevertheless, if you were to name some of those "sources" would we
>> recognize any of them?
>> > One of those agreed to supply us several "B" grade cells.
>> Not sure what "B grade" implies here. Does it mean their "A" cells are of
>> a better quality... i.e.: better COP? If so, what are they planning on
>> doing with the “A cells”… and will you be able to obtain any of them?
>> > I flew there, tested their cells and made commercial
>> > arrangements to obtain a license and loan of several
>> > cells that will enable us to replicate and build
>> > several demo FPE systems for our commercial business.
>> Can you give some reasonable estimates as to how efficient these “B
>> cells” are? What are the rated input/output COP energy measurements? I
>> assume there is room for significant improvement after additional R&D
>> funding is eventually supplied.
>> Again, my apologies if you have already stated this for the twelfth time,
>> but what kind of products and services does your business plan on selling?
>> Water heaters? Generators? Does your business already market similar
>> products? Is there a website?
>> Regards,
>> Steven Vincent Johnson
>> www.OrionWorks.com
>> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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