Peter Gluck <> wrote:

Spam is an insoluble problem I have studied it from 1994 and later
> systematically in the 488 weekly issues of my newsletter. I  remember when
> Bill Gates still active at Microsoft has promised to liquidate spam in two
> years. He failed. . . .

I have not gotten more than 1 or 2 spam messages per month since I switched
to Gmail. I would say the problem has been solved. I do not know if Gates
contributed to the solution.

I do not think it is fair to call Hekman's messages "spam." He (or a
volunteer) sent them to people here because he knows we are interested in
cold fusion. He is not advertising a product or service. Spam is sent
indiscriminately to people who often have no use for the product being

Hekman has done good things for cold fusion. I think we should thank Hekman
for his past and present support. I would not support him politically
because I disagree with his other policies, but I appreciate his work. I
hope that people here do not get him in trouble with the Robots at Google,
a.k.a. our new computer overlords.

- Jed

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