On 2012-01-03 17:42, Mary Yugo wrote:

Interesting way to put it.  I suppose it "could be true".  But there is
plenty of reason to doubt that it *is* true.

This should be easily verifiable, differently than when Rossi speaks of "secret" individuals or entities.

We've been all over that
ground before. And this is not the same sort of story as the one
involving National Instruments which turned out to be false.  If NI had
in fact *bought* Rossi's supposed megawatt plant, it would be very
significant because it is doubtful that they would do it without due
diligence. But all that was about is that Rossi is an NI customer.  Big

I don't recall Rossi himself saying that NI was a customer of his 1-megawatt plants. That he was in a partnership with them (or something along these lines), yes however. Besides, it appears that NI is giving Rossi's company Leonardo Corporation more credit than what would be normally expected as a simple customer of theirs:


Of course, this might mean nothing, and NI might be simply just providing ordinary hardware to Rossi like with countless other companies.

If Rossi is in talks with Home Depot, which has not even been confirmed,

Again, this should be easy to confirm.

all it would mean is more talk.  We've been all over that ground as
well.  Rossi talks a lot.

My point is that to my memory he never lied when referring to specific (verifiable) names and entities, so it's probable that the notion that Rossi is in talks with Home Depot is true.

Therefore, putting aside the actual content of the talks (which could have ended either positively or not), this news must in my opinion be regarded as a good one, because the more people and entities get involved, the bigger are the chances that we'll know soon if all of this is either the biggest scam ever conceived or the next big revolution in energy.


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