Separation in time between magnetic fields above and below a stack of three 
pancake spirals of the balanced 666 machine. The color codings of checkers show 
the series routing of coil segments for each phase before folding into a circle 
as a torsional field device, and then further given the appropriate equal 
capacities to resonate under that condition of mutual inductance between 
phasings. The simplest mathematical two dimensional magic square of nine 
elements will contain three diagonal progressions in three dimensions;(obtained 
by folding both sides of the 2d formation in 3d space to reveal the continuing 
diagonal progression) likewise here three twisting diagonals circling around 
each other in 3d space will enable the unique formation that will enable 
balanced currents on all three phases: which will never develope in other 
formations of coil placements, including the first solution of lateral 
placements. Likewise the MIDDLE segment of each series
 phase has a reversed polarity connection; whereby this practice enables the 
central segment to REPEL the magnetic fields created by the outer segments for 
5/6ths of the cycle time period, forcing those magnetic fields to be issued 
outwards from the assembly for use in efficient primary/secondary 
Likewise the first 2d magic square as an analogy shows that the opposite 
progressions of numbers towards the center are mirror images of each other; 
showing point symmetry. The net result of these actions will show a  torsional 
time "compression" between the opposing poles of the 666 machine, having 6 
compressions at one sixth of a cycle at 60 degrees of compressional  action in 
Magic Square Technology applied for seriesed coil segments yielding balanced 
currents to create torsional fields on three phase and time distortion effects 
on perimeters. Three diagonal progressions of phases wrapping around each other 
in 3d model produces torsional time effects on perimeters of poles.
Moving former top scope sensor left to top of left coil stack, showing near 180 
By reversing or revolving 180 degrees the new top sensor placed to the left of 
the first measured stack; we see that the bottom magnetic field of the first 
stack with phase 3 on top, is almost identical in time with the magnetic field 
emitted by the stack with phase 1 on top. This then shows a near synchrony of 
magnetic fields between stack 3 phase on bottom and stack 1 phase on top, both 
of which are in front view. Not only this but we also showed both polarities of 
that observation by reversing the second sensor. Originally we showed that the 
magnetic field from phase 3 stack on both top and bottom were also FAIRLY 
perhaps 60 degrees difference at most. Next then we show the TIME difference 
between BOTH the TOP magnetic fields of phase stack three and phase stack one 
attaching the extra sensor formerly shown sitting on top of the scope.
Relative magnetic field separations for two front top magnetic fields.
Giving one sensor a higher amplitude and moving around the circle to verify 120 
phase degree separation on the top magnetic field side
Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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