Thanks for the answers, and welcome aboard!  

I think 2012 will be a most important turning point…


As far as ‘rules’ see:


Bill Beaty

is the list founder and appreciates any contributions to help pay for keeping 
computing infrastructure up and running… You can use paypal via a small paypal 
button on this page:


As far as the value and volume of postings, I would ask that you go back and 
read all 780+ of Mary’s postings, and then see if you still think that much of 
the redundancy in those postings is appropriate after rereading the reason why 
this forum was founded.  If you feel reluctant to spend the days or weeks to 
read all of those postings, from just one person, then perhaps you will begin 
to understand why some here think it’s not in line with the purpose of the 


Anyway, enjoy the learning and looking forward to your participation…



From: Eric Walker [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Simple, even simple-minded tests can be a great help in 
understanding these things


Hi Mark,


Thanks for the welcome.  Replies inline.


On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <> 

Welcome Eric,

Thx for the feedback… this seems to be your first post.  A few questions if I 

1) How long have you been monitoring this forum before posting?  That is not a 
bad thing; most are a little timid to post until after having monitored the 
forum for a little while; getting to know the ‘personalities’.


I've been reading the occasional archived thread on this list since October 
2010, when I first started taking note of claims regarding LENR.  I've been on 
the list for only a short while now -- perhaps a week or two.


2) did you read about why this forum was founded?


I read this link when I first joined:  I 
remember mention of the list being founded to provide a sympathetic forum for 
examining LENR and related topics, in light of the extreme skepticism one 
encounters elsewhere.


I personally don't believe that the skepticism seen here amounts to even a 
small amount of what you'll find in other forums.  For that, read this link and 
the comments that follow:


The above article and the comments are a great example of capable people 
ignoring the empirical evidence entirely and going on, unscientifically in my 
opinion, to reason from first principles, in effect, that the researchers 
gathering this evidence are incompetent.  It's not quite clear to me how they 
don't feel a little nervous doing this, but apparently they don't.


3) have you read the rules or guideline for participating in the forum?


I think so.  But please send me a note offline if I've missed something 





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