All the news reports indicated that the meeting was Friday night ... long over by now.  But no updates.

At 05:00 PM 1/13/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
"Almost dry"  ---  and they report Lake levels in ... millimeters !!!

I got there via google, but now that link takes me to a "doteasy" site.

I read a few more pages, and discovered that due to disputes with Aboriginal groups, all [nearly all?] access to the lake has been cut off.
News : Boating no longer allowed on Lake Eyre!
A spanner has been thrown into the works by National Parks refusal to give permission for us to sail on Lake Eyre until they have obtained the OK from the native title claimants. From all reports it appears National Parks are enjoying the opportunity to prevent us from recreating in their park and are in no hurry to resolve the issue. This process could take years and means that realistically speaking the only way to boat on Lake Eyre this year will be by committing an illegal act and given the anger in our membership this may happen.
It appears the South Australian Government are happy to remove our common law right to access and boat on a navigable waterway. We find this amazing given that there is no legal difference between our sailing territory and the River Murray. As Indigenous Australians lived alongside every waterway in the country will your favorite boating place be next? Unfortunately we cannot match the free legal services the complainants have at their disposal so all we can do is make the public aware of the erosion of the right to recreate in a National Park in an environmentally sustainable way.

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