With air as coolant in the 10 KW space heater, the suggested narrow range of
useful reactor temps is more easily achieved - compared to water or heat
transfer fluid. The mechanics of moving air are simpler, as is the transfer
of heat to the air - compared to liquids.

Sounds like the 2.6KW element heats until temp and reaction achieved, then
the fan starts and electric heater element stops, fan air holding reactor at
proper temps.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aussie Guy E-Cat" <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

> Wolf,
> With a reactor temp around 600 deg C and the coolant at 120 deg C there
> is a wide operational margin. As the coolant temp get to 450 deg C it is
> only 150 deg C below the reactor temp. A lot less fat to play with. I
> would speculate there is a much higher chance of a runaway and Ni powder
> meltdown at 450 deg C.
> Can't wait to get my hands on a unit and study the dynamics of the
> energy release / control system even if the home E-Cat systems can't
> generate steam with a high enough temperature to generate electricity.
> Never did like the Carnot cycle. Physics is so.....limiting. I do wonder
> what would happen if I put 2 or more of the home units in series?
> AG
> On 1/15/2012 9:42 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
> > Just another point from the interview:
> >
> > Rossi has admitted that last year they had peaks even when the reactor
> > should just produce about 120C°. This problem seems to have been
> > resolved (because of NI), so no more peaks. Besides that NI is
> > especially helping in the problem of getting the reactor up to 400C°
> > in order to produce electricity. Somehow the customer of the first 1MW
> > plant is helping in solving those problems, as it is not as trivial as
> > just putting the Ecats in serial in order to reach higher temperatures.

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