>> if shielded in his lead replaceable cartridge, 
would that make it acceptable to UL, etc? There is some radiation from smoke 
detectors now.
Smoke detectors don't work with gamma radiation, afaik. And shielding would 
take a lot more than the wall of a small cartridge for 512 keV gamma. The dose 
is important, of course, but the fact that gamma radiation occurs at all in 
detectable quantities is a killer for home use. You can run a nuclear facility 
with authorized, trained personnel after countless years of certification and 
under constant scrutiny of the authorities. In Germany you can't even do that 
anymore due to (misguided?) politicians. But doing it at home? Just imagine - 
two years after Fukujima a guy from Italy goes to market with a device that 
emits detectable gamma radiation, doesn't know or at least won't tell anybody 
how it really works or how it may behave in unforseen conditions - and the 
authorities just say "Yes, ok, go ahead and sell it to everybody who wants 
one."? Its never going to happen that way. Probably a mute point since UL or 
TÜV or whoever won't ever see an e-cat

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