If this theory is really functional, how does it explain that after the
experiment there isn't strong emission of gamma rays since all is generated
by beta decay, a good share of which has a half life of days or weeks? It's
in WL tables of decays.

How does it explain the formation of Lithium and He4. The former is not
possible in WL theory and the latter would take years, given that tritium
has a half life of around 10 years.

2012/1/16 Alan Fletcher <a...@well.com>

> WL also predict an increase in surface conductivity (decrease in
> resistance) :
> The number density of heavy electrons on a metallic hydride surface is of
> the order of the number density of surface hydrogen atoms when there is a
> proton or deuteron flux moving through the surface and LENR are being
> neutron catalyzed.
> **** These added heavy electrons produce an anomalously high surface
> electrical conductivity at the LENR threshold.   ***
> See Celani's recent stuff:
> Re: [Vo]:Celani to announce a possible marker of anomalous heat production
> in LENR
> Akira Shirakawa
> Thu, 05 Jan 2012 18:09:10 -0800
> On 2012-01-06 02:52, Harry Veeder wrote:
> In plain language is Celani saying he found the electrical resistance
> of the wire decreases with increasing temperature *if* the wire is
> loaded with hydrogen?
> Exactly, and more importantly that this phenomenon appears to be correlated
> with anomalous heat production (ie successful LENR experiments), so
> potentially materials/samples showing a more pronounced transition from a
> positive to negative temperature coefficient of resistance with hydrogen
> loading are the best ones. If confirmed, this would be a significant step
> forward towards excess heat reproducibility.
> and in a separate paper (which I hadn't looked at before) :
> http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/cond-mat/pdf/0509/0509269v1.pdf

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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