I also recommend Drupal, Wordpress, or Joomla

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Jouni Valkonen <jounivalko...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hallo,
> If you need help, I can do database stuff with php and MySql. However, I
> am lousy webdesigner, so I will not build you modern looking tempelate from
> scratch.
> However, there are ready made templates and I can modify one for the needs
> of your site. So if you can find a web a html+css template for your site, I
> can do the database programming. So that it is easy for you to maintain.
>       —Jouni
>  On Jan 13, 2012 5:18 PM, "Jed Rothwell" <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ed Storms, Akira Shirakawa and others have suggested I update the look
>> and feel of the LENR-CANR.org website. In particular, the library indexes
>> are badly out of data and useless. I was thinking of doing this a few years
>> ago but a large organization said they might take over the maintenance of
>> the site, so I put it off. I have not heard from them lately so I guess
>> that's on hold. Anyway, I've been thinking about doing this.
>> The actual work is trivial because the website is simple. I could do it
>> in a week. It would save me time and prevent errors if someone who knows
>> about modern rituals would assist. I could pay a consultant but it am a
>> cheapskate and this is a volunteer effort anyway so I don't feel like
>> paying.
>> Please contact me by direct e-mail if you're interested in
>> assisting. This is off topic here, but let me briefly what I have in mind.
>> Converting the screens to a modern look should take a week. It could use
>> some reorganization along the way. I welcome any suggestions. The thing
>> about the "look and feel" is, I do not like the way modern websites look so
>> I have not bothered to do it. I have no strong opinion about this, but
>> changing it seems pointless. If someone who likes modern web design would
>> be willing to lend a hand and get me started I would be happy to finish up.
>> I do not want to burden it with pop-ups or lots of graphic images.
>> Akira suggested I look at Wordpress instead of HTML editors. I see it has
>> some advantages but it seems more suited to blog-style web pages than a
>> library. I use Namo Webeditor 9. That is a creaky, unfriendly old
>> program. LENR-CANR.org pages is so rudimentary I often just edit the HTML
>> directly by hand.
>> In the present version of LENR-CANR.org the indexes are crude, static
>> HTML code. The obvious way to do this is with SQL. When we started, the ISP
>> did not even offer an online utility SQL. Later we moved to ISPs that offer
>> this kind of thing but it cost a lot of money. So I never bothered to
>> convert. Now that MySQL and PostgreSQL are free, I might as well use SQL
>> instead of my home-grown indexes. I downloaded the manual. Relational
>> databases have no changed much since the 1980s. This is simple database
>> with only 3000 items so it is a piece of cake.
>> I tested the PostgreSQL at our ISP, which is Jumpline.com. There is
>> nothing to it. I can reformat the database into their import format and
>> make the one-to-many links and whatnot.
>>  The problem is, Namo Webeditor 9 does not want to talk to Jumpline's
>> SQL utilities. Maybe I just can't figure out the right parameters.
>> Companies such as Jumpline and Namo offer no help for things like that. I
>> have been poking around with Wavemaker.com and some other SQL utilities. I
>> do not like the idea of using two different programs to maintain the
>> website.
>> Perhaps someone can recommend an integrated solution? One program that
>> does it all and works with the latest version of PostgreSQL? I don't
>> mind paying for a program. I am not that much of a cheapskate! I do not
>> want any Microsoft web programs such as Frontpage. I am allergic to
>> Microsoft. Frontpage was a nightmare to work with. It generated
>> outrageously bloated HTML with lots of nonfunctional stuff. I mean stuff
>> like HTML that does not display! You wonder how they managed to do that.
>> HTML is an idiotic standard in many ways. It has lots of ad hoc stuff lying
>> around. But it is simple and relatively foolproof. How do you manage to
>> crank out HTML code that flies off the screen or makes the background the
>> same as the foreground?!? It takes a kind of genius. I have to convert
>> Word files to HTML sometimes, for the abstracts in the database. I ended up
>> writing a Pascal program to clean out the garbage. I see that Frontpage
>> has been replaced with Microsoft Expression. Probably just as bad.
>> As I said, contact me directly if you would like to assist. For free.
>> Bearing in mind that virtue is its own reward.
>> - Jed


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