
The BBB was not shipped.
Rossi's statement that it was shipped to the customer was not correct.
Your statement that it was returned by the customer is also not correct.

Jones please stop making up false and misleading statement that either you are making up or your source is making up.


On 20/01/2012 1:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
Here is the scenario that best fits all the facts:

(1) the container was shipped to a customer in the USA
(2) the container wasn't returned to Bologna, per se.
(3) the footage in the 12 Jan YT video was older footage
(4) the container did not work to the customer's specifications
(5) the container was shipped to National Instruments facility for upgrading
the controls (note: this is not exactly a "return" in the AR 'spin')
(6) Rossi was in attendance at NI to replace the gaskets and disable the
self-destruct mechanism
(7) He then caught a red-eye flight back to Bologna that same day and did
the interview the following day.

That is all consistent - but it still highlights the point that the device
was shipped prematurely in October, did not meet customer specifications,
and  suffers from quiescence - which has been the main point of contention
all along (and the main point of the original rumor).

Has this systemic problem of quiescence been solved?

If Rossi, via NI, has solved the problem - then hat's off to Rossi and to

Enough observers are now aware of what is going on in this soap opera, that
the interested public should know if the problem has been solved or not -
and that should answer the technical question of "what is the cause of

To me, it is indeed looking like QM entanglement is the best explanation for
both the high level of operation, and for the quiescence, and that the RF
somehow can restore this precondition. It is remarkably similar to electron
tunneling which is at the basis of the computer you are using now, in the
sense that low-probability QM reactions have been made thousands of times
more probable - due to structuring of the host material.

The new controls may simply adapt the time when each of the individual cells
is operational. For instance, if there are 50 cells and each can work for 12
hours-on but need 6 hours of RF irradiation to regenerate, then this is not
hard to do - so long as the net output (faceplate) is reduced accordingly.

That would explain why there has been a downward revision in the pricing. AR
may have realized that the original price was fair for 1 MW, but this same
unit is now going to be called a 500-650 kW unit at a lower price.


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