On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>  Personally I stopped believing anything Rossi said after the "wet
>> steam/dry steam" business blew up early last year.
> That is unfair to Rossi. He did not select the meter which is
> controversial. He is using industry standard techniques to ensure dry
> steam. Every expert he has consulted with assures him the steam is dry.
> Every expert I have consulted with says the same thing.

How strange.  Everyone of Krivit's experts, and he named them by name, said
the opposite.

> You should blame him for things that are his fault. The "wet steam/dry
> steam" controversy has nothing to do with him. As far as I can tell, it is
> a figment of the skeptics' imaginations.

If you read all the detailed arguments that appeared here, you'd know it
was not figment.

> It makes no difference which is more common. We can be sure that Rossi's
> claims are real because they have been independently tested by Ampenergo

Ampenergo has said nothing and published nothing and shown nothing.

> and others, and independently replicated by Defkalion.

Defkalion seems to have lied grossly about having submitted anything to the
Greek authorities for certification.  All they have shown are a few photos
of lab gear of indeterminate nature.  They have never given a public demo.
Nobody who's seen a private one has ever written about it.

There is nothing from Rossi but questionable tests in which he was always
personally deeply involved.  There are no tests at all from Defkalion.
None of Defkalion and Rossi's claims are credible.  Yes, I'm repeating
myself.  In response to Jed's constant symphony of misinformation.

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