Fast forward to 6:40

Huge blast of steam and hot water.
What is going on here?

Well, the mains input power has been removed, the cold water reservoir is still 
being pumped through the Ecat and the hot water/water-vapour/steam is trickling 
out and being poured down the drain. Temperature of the effluent (pun intended) 
is looking good.
So far, so good.
Test over..... it really looks as though the Ecat has been able to continue 
producing power after mains power has been removed for quite some time.
Show is now over..
But wait, there's more!
The tap is opened and a GEYSER of steam under high pressure erupts.


Simple really, there is a  store of very hot pressurised hot water stored 
within the "Ecat" that has been heated by the electrical input power, preserved 
by the layers of foil insulation and used as a heat store to maintain the 
illusion of continued "LENR" power after the electrical input is removed.
The venting of all that stored hot water is the proof of that.

Vorts....I have no problem with you indulging your fascination with mysterious 
sources of energy.
What I do have a problem with is your ongoing support for con-artists like 
Rossi and Watson who cause real harm to those unfortunate enough to be drawn 
into their web of deception.

Have a great day

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