Perhaps.  I don't see what this theory offers that makes it more likely than 
Rossi is a con man.

Since you mention his TE...  In the Army report, it says that Rossi returned to 
Italy to continue working on it.  What that report doesn't say is that Rossi 
had every intention of returning to the U.S. after a "vacation" in Italy (he 
had a return ticket already purchased), but that he was arrested for bankruptcy 
fraud.  He was then convicted and sentenced to eight years in prison.  So, 
that's why he didn't return to finish his work on the TE.

June 1, 2000:  Rossi arrested as a "fugitive".

October 20, 2000:  Rossi convicted to 8 years in prison.

This was the last of many convictions reported in the local newspapers, and I 
was unable to find any signs that he was acquitted of this.  (I did find 
newspaper reports that he was acquitted of the "toxic waste dump" charges, but 
not of the many financial fraud convictions throughout the 1990s).  It would be 
interesting to find the first reference to Rossi from the 2000s.  That would 
set an upper limit on how long he actually spent in prison.

I know we're supposed to ignore Rossi's criminal background, but in this case 
it helps explain why Rossi wasn't around to continue his TE work.

 From: Alain Sepeda <>
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

New theory, compatible with a grey world (neither white nor black) :

Rossi never had a client. he is passionate, desperate to obtain support and 
fame. he does not do that for cash, burning much, but for fame.
He is developing his e-cat,  but he have  stability and industrialization  
problems (like with TE elements).
He know it can work because for some time he get good results, but not long 
because of sloppy driving.
for some demo he is simply sloppy and exagerating, for some the e-cat is broken 
or weaker than expected and he fraud a little or much, but he feel honest 
because it can work... it is white lies for him. he is lying also because 
defkalion and others frighten him.
after the success/failure demo of 1/2MW he decide to take the bull by the horn, 
maybe because of advices (the ex-military? or is it an invention). he call NI, 
to make it better

he have no client, and the only one who knows that it works are colleagues, 
Defkalion and NI...
they don't denounce him, because they know it will work more or less, it is not 
a scam, it is just business lie, and it is not their business, nobody get hurts.
defkalion have seen that it was a good idea but managed badly. they decide to 
rebuild the same kind of device, based on scientific papers they have gathered, 
and hints by what they have seen... like any serious business they say "no 
comment", "wait for press announce". they have no visible ego, just investors, 
deadlines, workers, business plan, regulators to please, patent to write, 
clients to calm. buzz is not so important and they do the minimum not to 
frighten the future clients and the community.
NI because they make a good job, give simple advice, call experts friends, have 
seen it working and the buzz get into the company bottom-up.

the 13 1MW are also lies... just to pretend success.
he is simply working on stabilizing the big-cat, and dreaming (like me) of how 
to design the e-kitten...
meanwhile Defkalion is tuning his greek-cat and he is afraid of being put out 
of the race.

this behavior is coherent with the thermoelectric story, as told by his 
optimistic, betting all on a small lab success, lying, making failures 
disappear by frauds, trying to make it desperately works despite problems...
also coherent with his petroldragon story... optimistic, forgetting problems, 
trying to escape the problems and the banckruptcy by small frauds...

clearly he is not scamming to make cash, he is too famous, too old, and too 
married to do a scam and flee in Madagascar.
however he is too old to wait for another chance to be the hero of the 
planet... 2 failures in 40 years, the 3rd is his last chance.

A horse, a horse, my
kingdom for a horse

2012/1/22 Daniel Rocha <>

>>Rossi installed the other box at the customer's site, he even supervise it. 
>>Probably he also tested the other box there.

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