Shaun states as fact:
"He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees to take green family
investor money despite saying he would never do this."

I think I have read all the postings so far, and Shaun was specifically
asked, I think twice, by others if there was any evidence that *Rossi*
himself has *specifically acknowledged* that the 'licensee' in Australia was
indeed legitimate, or had all the statements of Rossi's involvement been
made by the licensee, and not Rossi???  

It is a real possibility that the licensee is making false statements about
having licensed Rossi's technology for Australia, when in fact they have no
such contract.

So far, I have not seen any confirmation that Rossi is even aware of the
licensee that held the investor meeting which Mr. Bryce attended.  The
licensee stating that there was supposed to be a Skype session with Rossi is
not proof that Rossi agreed to any such thing.  If that evidence has been
provided, I'd appreciate it if you could please provide the link to the
vortex posting that proves Rossi is aware of, and working with, that


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