This is a little confusing.

Mattia Rizzi <> wrote:

Here is the video: . . .

An interview with Focardi and Rossi, in Italian. What is this? Was it
broadcast on TV? Please enlighten those of us who do not speak Italian.

> You can see the 1MW plant.

Right. Rossi is standing in front of it.

> I've contacted the author: the video footage was taken in the [first days
> of November]
> Rossi said that the 1MW plat was gone before 30 October.

Okay, so he wasn't hiding the fact that the reactor was still sitting
there. He wasn't pretending he had shipped it. On his blog he said he had
shipped it, but that's not true. So why is this such a big deal? Was it
reported in the mass media that he claimed it was shipped? Has his customer
accused him of not shipping in violation of contract?

It is either minor confusion or a minor lie. Minor compared to the usual
level of chaos that Rossi sows when he opens his mouth. This incident sent
AussiGuy into a tizzy. I told him I do not understand why, because anyone
who has dealt with Rossi knows he does this kind of thing several times a
day. Look at the list of contradictions that Akira and I ferreted out:

Inescapable Conclusion #1: This person is not a consistent or reliable
source of information. He often changes his tune. Are we agreed on that
yet? Anyone who doubts should please review that list.

Since we established that nearly a year ago, I think it is time to move on.
Accept Rossi for who and what he is. Try to make sense of his claims based
mainly on independent observations and replications, and on other people's
work, such as Piantelli's. Stop carrying on about his personality! Grow up.
He is not going to change. He will not publish a paper. He will not explain
anything. He will never allow tests. He said he never will, and he meant
it. He does not change his mind about stuff like this.

- Jed

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