Shaun, I suggest you take a month to read ALL the postings since last
January, and you'll realize how asinine your statement is -- you are
completely ignorant of just how much rational debate has gone on about Rossi
and the demos.  This forum had noticed, and discussed and debated ad naseum,
pretty much ALL the issues that Mary keeps repeating, including Rossi's
past, DGT, problems with the demos, etc, etc, etc.  I was the one who first
brought up a concern over the placement of the heat exchanger's output side
thermocouple!  You've got to have a really warped way of thinking if you
think that's being defensive of Rossi!  Oh, wait, you've just come here
without having read the last year of postings so how could you know that I
bring up Pro and Con??? NO, of course you couldn't know because you are so
woefully ignorant of that has transpired on this forum the past year!!!  

People even did some modeling, no not the bikini-type modeling, and even FEM
to try to extract as much as they could out of what data we did have... you
do know what FEM is don't you???  The fact that I bring up BOTH things that
might support what Rossi is claiming, AND things which do not, is what a
rational, open-minded skeptic does... not the clearly emotional, overzealous
and borderline pathological way in which you try to ram things down our
throats... do I need to count the number of times you've called Rossi a
liar... in only a few days?  I think it's obvious who is rational and who is

No, I have no skin in the game and wouldn't consider investing at this time
due to the inconclusiveness of the demos... A decision which I had reached
by late March, Early April of last year; LONG BEFORE you or Eff or Mary came
to save the lot of us because we are too stupid to think for ourselves.  Go
get laid and do something useful like water the fish...

I OBJECT to the innuendo and speculations that you and Eff have been spewing
on this forum for several days, even after it has been pointed out to you
that the forum is PRIMARILY concerned with the scientific/technical aspects
of unusual claims.  If you and Eff and Mary want to warn the world about
scams, go to it... more power to ya... just not on this forum.  We don't
need your amateurish reasoning, as stated before, nearly all the
questionable issues were already beaten to death by April.  This forum has
people on it immensely more competent that you, Eff or Mary on
scientific/technical matters, and they aren't shy about pointing out
problems or inconsistencies, and possible scams.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled

On 23/01/2012 5:56 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
> Thank you Susan for triggering a major point about the so-called 
> skeptics, now obviously fitting the definition of 'trolls', that have 
> been spewing their BS for that last several days.
> If you guys and gals are soooooooo concerned about helping prevent 
> people who might invest in this scam, don't you think your time would 
> have been better spent trying to get in contact with Ampenergo to 
> alert them to the big mistake that they have made?????? Why you're at 
> it, why don't you contact Rossi's licensee that is in the UK??? Yeah, 
> warn them too!!!!!
> That way, you could save untold numbers of brainless dupes who might 
> be contacted by these other licensees!!! You'd be heros!!! But NO, 
> you'd rather waste your time spewing ridicule and accusations about 
> business/personality issues on a technical/scientific discussion forum..
> Now that makes a whole sh*tload of sense, doesn't it.
> -Mark

I have emailed them. No reply as yet.

Mark why are you so defensive of Rossi? Do you have skin in this game?


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