Maybe that month long duration is like Piantelli's long runs. They cannot
be reliably repeated. So, while that heater may be true, Rossi cannot
reproduce that so easily.

2012/1/24 Jed Rothwell <>

> OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:
> Jed, as I'm sure you are aware, Jones has been quite vocal with his
>> prediction that Rossi's e-cats (at least the e-cats we've seen so far)
>> will eventually be discovered to go "quiescent" in approximately 8
>> hours after being turned on.
> I do not know where Jones got this from. I have not heard it from Rossi or
> anyone else working with Ni-H. Rossi said it goes bananas after some period
> of time. It goes out of control. Whatever that means. He did not say it
> turns off and he cannot restart it. Neither did Forcard or Levi or any of
> the others who have observed his reactors for days or weeks.
> There is no doubt it can run indefinitely with input power. Levi observed
> an 18-hour run. Others have seen much longer ones.
> I don't see what the problem is here. As long as you can make this thing
> run *with* power, who cares if there is some limitation that makes it
> stop after 8-hours in self-sustaining mode? If it explodes after 8  hours
> that's a problem! But so what if it turns off? Just run it with power
> input. It seems Defkalion is doing that. Input power is only a fraction of
> output, so it does not matter. Defkalion's ratio is presently 20, they say.
> I'm sure with some more engineering they can make any ratio they want.
> I do not understand why Rossi and his customer (?) wanted to run the big
> reactor in self-sustaining mode in October. I guess they had their reasons.
> Meanwhile, we know that Rossi has claimed (boasted?) that he has had
>> his e-cats warming a factory for a solid year... or something to that
>> effect. However, as we all know, it would be unwise to take Rossi's
>> word considering how creative he can be with his use of words.
> Yeah. It's an itty-bitty space heater at the EON Factory. The address is
> in the patent.
> I had some difficulty believing that. Then Forcardi talked about going to
> the factory and seeing the gadget, in one of his interviews. I heard that
> and thought, "maybe it's true after all."
> Then a Reliable Source sent me a photo of the gadget, with some technical
> details, such as the fact that it ran continuously during the winter of
> 2008-2009, producing between 5 and 8 kW. I asked permission to upload this
> document, but so far, no dice. I have no reason to doubt this is real, and
> the heater did run continuously for months.
> I realize the noisy skeptics would say I have many reasons to doubt it.
> For me . . . I imagine myself a well-informed aviation enthusiast in 1905.
> Some friends come by and show me photos from their recent visit to Dayton,
> such as this one:
> They say, "yeah we saw it fly a good 50 feet in the air for 20 minutes." I
> know these people to be experts in aviation. I have no doubt that the
> Wrights and others have flown. I have seen other people make uncontrolled
> glider flights, such as this guy:
> I think under those circumstances back in 1905 I would be crazy to doubt
> what my friends tell me. There is simply no rational reason to think my
> friends are crazy, deluded or fooled, or that they are conspiring to fool
> me. I do not see any significant difference between that situation and this
> one.
> - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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