
I agree.  There is a certain amount of risk in just getting out of bed in
the morning

On Wednesday, February 1, 2012, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
> Axil, Please, by all means keep the speculations and the "emabarassing"
experimental advice coming.  I have learned a lot from you and many other
people here.  Vortex has been the most useful forum as far as gaining
insight into replicating Rossi.
> Yes, I have a gieger counter that will detect gammas as well as thermal
neutrons.  Do I need a detector for fast neutrons?   I will be placing this
detector inside the blast chamber with the reactor so that it can detect
any of these radiations.  I figured 8" of concrete should be sufficient to
block most of the gammas.
> As for your other advise, I have no idea how to implement many of those.
For instance, you suggested using a cloud chamber.  How do you build one?
How does one detect 6 MeV protons?  Where can I buy a scintillation
detector?  What kind?
> Remember, I am not a physicist and my background is not physics.  So,
sorry for the stupid questions.
> And if we are afraid of danger all the time, we can never achieve
anything worthwhile.  I think danger should be managed, not avoided.
> Jojo

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