This cloud chamber build seems the most convergent to me. You don’t need to
pick up any dry ice here.

When in YouTub, search on “cloud chamber” There are many how to do it
videos on this subject.

The following paper contains a picture of a proton coming from nickel in a
cloud chamber.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

> **
> Axil, Please, by all means keep the speculations and the "emabarassing"
> experimental advice coming.  I have learned a lot from you and many other
> people here.  Vortex has been the most useful forum as far as gaining
> insight into replicating Rossi.
> Yes, I have a gieger counter that will detect gammas as well as thermal
> neutrons.  Do I need a detector for fast neutrons?   I will be placing this
> detector inside the blast chamber with the reactor so that it can detect
> any of these radiations.  I figured 8" of concrete should be sufficient to
> block most of the gammas.
> As for your other advise, I have no idea how to implement many of those.
> For instance, you suggested using a cloud chamber.  How do you build one?
> How does one detect 6 MeV protons?  Where can I buy a scintillation
> detector?  What kind?
> Remember, I am not a physicist and my background is not physics.  So,
> sorry for the stupid questions.
> And if we are afraid of danger all the time, we can never achieve anything
> worthwhile.  I think danger should be managed, not avoided.
> Jojo

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