The "Tesla Switch" seems to derive from Ronald Brandt -- who is generally reported to have been a close friend of Tesla (though google books / biographies don't show him).

This seems to be the initial definitive report on Bedini's version :

I spoke with John this morning concerning your request for a copy of the Eike Mueller
Report. He has no problem with me posting it, but also said he would not be commenting
on it in this forum, or anywhere else. He said he agrees with us, that Ron Brandt showed
him the circuit and that he doesn't even know why it was called the Tesla Switch.
I'll scan the document into a .pdf file over the weekend and get Aaron to show me how to
post it.
Peter [ Lindemann ]

... scan of Mueller Report  follows ...

- - - - -
Some sites refer to it as the Brandt/Tesla Switch

So far, this is the only biography I can find on Brandt :

How to be Led by the Spirit, Divine Healing; Guest Timothy Martin – The Life of Ron Brandt

on December 31st, 2010 at 9:13 am

Topics: Former Ministry spokesman and Free Energy legend, Ronald Brandt’s Amazing Life

-Former Ministry Spokesman Ron Brandt recently died (inventor of the Brandt-Tesla Switch, and many other devices.)
-Ron run over by a CAT, head held together with duct tape, brain picked up off of ground after prayer!
-Ron working on the Philadelphia Experiment, worm hole, invisibility, intangibility
-Gravity Motor Plans

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