

Thanks for all the useful web & video input suggestions. Not surprisingly, some 
of the tips felt more compatible to my current needs and temperament than 


I am reaching an age in my life where I'm no longer enamored with the mystique 
of coding extensively in HTML or related programming web-authoring languages. 
When I was still in my 30s and 40s, I probably would have eaten all that stuff 
up! But alas, I no longer wish to be a web master wizard anymore. I seem to be 
graduating into senior nerd status. I suspect one of the objectives many a 
senior nerd finds highly attractive is the desire to delegate as much low-level 
"coding" into capable hands of reasonably well-written canned software 
packages. If I can find a package that contains a plethora of canned formats 
and themes, I'm sure I can find a something that will satisfy most of my needs, 
particularly if one is willing to put up with making reasonable compromises.


At present Jed's suggestion of checking out WordPress seems to be a very 
promising tool. It might fit my current predilections. It seems to handle most 
(if not ALL) of the behind-the-scenes code. I gather one can still go in and 
tweak bits of “code” if you really haf-ta, but then you really don't haf-ta. 
That's fine by me. I just want to be able to publish some of my findings in a 
direct and efficient manner. Thanks for the suggestion, Jed. But then... Jed 
admits he has been assimilated into the Borg, so perhaps I should take his 
suggestion with a grain of salt and a fully charged laser pistol set on random 
modulation! ;-)


Again, thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciate it!



Steven Vincent Johnson



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