>From Next Big Future:

(This may have already been reported here.)


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Brillouin Energy has been able to develop a control system that allows
a reaction to start and stop, and run in a steady state mode. In
April, they will be working with Mike McKubre of SRI International to
run a reactor at a higher temperature.

Godes states that the Brillouin’s reaction starts with an endothermic
reaction (reaction that absorbs heat) and ends with a more powerful
exothermic reaction (reaction releases heat). Brillouin is working on
two systems, the first one provides heat at 140 degrees C, (called the
“wet boiler”) the second one reaches 400 – 450 degrees C. George says
that they have applied for patents, but have been told by a patent
examiner at the US Patent Office that the office is still not
permitted to grant patents in the cold fusion field.

“The high-end system that will easily generate electricity, we’re
looking at potentially, from our cost analysis, about 1 cent per
kilowatt hour, but that’s on a commercial system. For a residential
application, to get a higher R-value, or COP on it, we’re talking
about a turbine, not something you don’t currently have right now.
We’re talking about just having the boiler.”

They have a million dollar investment and are working to get the
second half of a two million dollar investment.

They plan to license technology to third party producers. George says
that Brillouin has been visited by the Naval Research Lab and major

We’re looking at 12 to 18 months to bring it to strategic partners.
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The stated time table of 12 - 18 months does not sound unreasonable to
me. If anything, it's probably a tad ambitious, but then I tend to
error on the side of caution laced with a pinch of pessimism. I wonder
when Mr. Murphy might decide to pay them an unscheduled visit. The
comment about the patent office not being permitted to grant patents
in the "cold fusion" field is still galling.

I'm encouraged to see that Brillouin has enlisted the help of McKubre.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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