Jarold McWilliams <oldja...@hotmail.com> wrote:

The world can't run on oil forever, and hopefully it is not going to much
> longer.  Companies like Exxon are going to have to adapt or die.

Of course. And based on the history of business, I predict they will die.

> Would you rather the world run on obsolete technologies like sailing ships
> and steam locomotives just so we can have jobs or a company doesn't go
> under?

Of course not. I did not say that. No one said that. Please pay a little
closer attention to what is presented here, and do not argue against points
that no one makes (a "straw man" logical fallacy).

I myself could not care less whether Exxon survives. I care only about the
individuals employed there. Not the company, and not the stockholders.

- Jed

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